The gr8ful grind: Fear of Death and Political

Let go of anger; It's an acid that eats away the delicate layers of your happiness

The reverse side has also its reverse side

Friday, November 05, 2004

Fear of Death and Political

Quoting a couple points about the study from Science Daily:

"Fatal Attraction: A New Study Suggests A Relationship Between Fear Of Death And Political Preferences"

".. reminders of death increase the need for psychological security and therefore the appeal of leaders who emphasize the greatness of the nation and a heroic victory over evil. ..

"For their current research, the scientists asked students to think about their own death or a control topic and then read campaign statements of three hypothetical political candidates, each with a different leadership style: "charismatic" (i.e. those emphasizing greatness of the nation and a heroic victory over evil, as described above), task-oriented or relationship-oriented. Following a reminder of death, there was almost an 800 percent increase in votes for the charismatic leader, but no increase for the two other candidates."

".. mortality salience leads people toward individuals, groups, and actions that can help enhance their self-esteem. People want to identify with special, great things, and charismatic leaders typically offer the promise of just that."

"What can voters do to ensure that they make choices in a rational way, based on political qualifications and the positions of the candidates? They may need to monitor efforts by candidates to capitalize on fear mongering and make a greater effort to vote with their heads, rather than with their hearts, and be aware of how concerns about death affect human behavior."

The full story can be found at:


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