In the Sellwood district of Portland, Oregon, there is a tiny, tiny church in a park. I walked up to the window and snapped this photo. You can see the colored window detail better by clicking on the photo for the fullsized version. In front of that window is the shadow of a candalabra light fixture. February, 2007.
We call them "neighborhoods" not districts.
And I guess, officially it is the "Sellwood Moreland" neighborhood.
The church is the "Oaks Pioneer Church", built in 1851 in Milwaukie, and moved to it's current site in Selwood Riverfront Park in 1961.
What??? I didn't get that memo! I've always called them districts; the Hollywood District, the Parkrose District, the Pearl district....who made the change????
You have a good point. I called the Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI) and asked.
The "districts" of which you speak, have no actual status. They are just "recognitions" of certain areas by the public. Which is how we get things like the Pearl District, the Lloyd district, and the Hollywood district.
Officially the city recognizes 95 "Neighborhoods". Those are organized into 7 "District Coalitions" which Sellwood is a member of the "South East Up Lift (SEUL)" coalition. And they are all a part of the cities Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI) at City Hall.
The Pearl neighborhood is part of the "Neighbors West Northwest (NWNW)" district coalition. The Lloyd neighborhood is a "recognized but not affiliated" neighborhood. The Hollywood neighborhood (which is pretty small) is a part of the "Central Northeast Neighbors (CNN) district coalition. Parkrose and Parkrose Heights are two neighborhoods in the "East Portland Neighborhood Office" district coalition.
More than you ever wanted to know about the city neighborhoods, and more than you bargained for with a picture of stained glass.
Portland ONI
Oh, and since I forgot in the first comment, here is the "linikified" URL for the Oaks Pioneer Church.
It has always been my understanding that when you say "The Hollywood District" youare referring to the business area, and when you say "The Hollywood Neeighborhood" you are referring to the area where people live. I'm talking about general use, not the official designations by the ONI.
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