A semi-regular attempt at creating something for the edification and amusement of a few sentient beings.
The reverse side has also its reverse side
Monday, April 12, 2010
It's another theme week, Grinders. This time, we're taking you on a visit to the lovely and windy Columbia River Gorge, home to big wind(!), scenic highways, and lots of waterfalls. The rock outcropping on the right above is known as Crown Point. (Click on the thumbnail to see Vista House on the edge of the point). Columbia River Gorge, Oregon; April, 2010.
Aging boomer into the Dharma, The Dead, Todd Snider, Little Feat, politics, peace, negating the Radical Right, travel, the Net, Firefly\Serenity, helping my community, laughing, photography, art, music (playing, listening, supporting)
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