A semi-regular attempt at creating something for the edification and amusement of a few sentient beings.
The reverse side has also its reverse side
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I don't know if these folks are a regular band or just sorta came together this particular day near Skidmore Fountain. But since they looked like they just stepped out of photos from the Great Depression of the 1930s, I'm gonna name them The New Great Recession Orchestra. (Click on the thumbnail to check out the guy playing the saw) Saturday Market, Portland, Oregon; June, 2011.
Aging boomer into the Dharma, The Dead, Todd Snider, Little Feat, politics, peace, negating the Radical Right, travel, the Net, Firefly\Serenity, helping my community, laughing, photography, art, music (playing, listening, supporting)
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