During my young adulthood, I earned my living playing live music (ok, it was really a life of drink, drugs and debauchery--hey, it was the 70s, but music made it possible). I formed several different bands, none of which went anywhere. But one of those bands was my all-time fave of the bands I started. The bass player in that band, Denny Bixby, went on to play bass for Mary Chapin Carpenter for a while and is now the bass player for Rodney Crowell. Rodney Crowell doesn't tour all the time, so when he's not touring, Denny has about a half dozen other bands he plays in to keep his chops up. I hadn't seen Denny in about 35 years, but heard one of his projects, the one-trick pony Quarterflash, was going to be in Bend for a free show. After a very long day of working, I made my way down to the music and snagged some pics of Denny with Marv and Rindy Ross (Quarterflash's founders). It was fabulous to reconnect. That's Denny on the right. Bend, Oregon; July, 2011.
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