A semi-regular attempt at creating something for the edification and amusement of a few sentient beings.
The reverse side has also its reverse side
Monday, July 04, 2011
The US is 235 years old today. Tonight, there will be lots of fireworks all over the country. Here in my little burg of about 6600 people, there's actually quite a large fireworks display--larger than most of the bigger towns around us. But not as big as the Mayor's Festival fireworks over the Thames River, shown above, probably the largest display of fireworks I've ever seen. London, UK; September, 2009.
Aging boomer into the Dharma, The Dead, Todd Snider, Little Feat, politics, peace, negating the Radical Right, travel, the Net, Firefly\Serenity, helping my community, laughing, photography, art, music (playing, listening, supporting)
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