A semi-regular attempt at creating something for the edification and amusement of a few sentient beings.
The reverse side has also its reverse side
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Comin' atcha! Another from last week's county fair. I was fortunate enough to win Best of Show with one of my Photography entries this year,making it the third year in a row for me to win that honor. One category that I don't think I've ever entered a pic for is Action: Must Show Movement. I think I might enter this one in that category next year. Madras, Oregon; July, 2011.
You asked about Brussels... It is a 3 hour train ride on the slow train or 1 hour on the fast train. Buy your tickets now for the cheapest rate. You could see the city center in one short day. Mannekin Pis, Grande Place, etc are all great stops. Eat Flemish stew, drink trappist beer and top it off with waffles covered in chocolate. Staying longer would give you the chance to see Ghent or Brugges too. Questions? I will try to answer them all!
Aging boomer into the Dharma, The Dead, Todd Snider, Little Feat, politics, peace, negating the Radical Right, travel, the Net, Firefly\Serenity, helping my community, laughing, photography, art, music (playing, listening, supporting)
You asked about Brussels... It is a 3 hour train ride on the slow train or 1 hour on the fast train. Buy your tickets now for the cheapest rate. You could see the city center in one short day. Mannekin Pis, Grande Place, etc are all great stops. Eat Flemish stew, drink trappist beer and top it off with waffles covered in chocolate. Staying longer would give you the chance to see Ghent or Brugges too. Questions? I will try to answer them all!
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