A semi-regular attempt at creating something for the edification and amusement of a few sentient beings.
The reverse side has also its reverse side
Friday, August 19, 2011
If you ever get the chance to go somewhere else in the world, you couldn't go wrong traveling to here. They've got a spectacular farmer's market on Saturdays, (the parking lot's under that tree on the right) and the bakeries are terrific! (Click on the photo to get a better sense of just how picturesque this town is) Joigny, France; September, 2009.
Hi my friend, i'm from Switzerland and very interested in the following trades:
- Merle Haggard live in Orlando 1996
-Emmylou Harris Charlottesville 1991
-Travis Tritt Franklin TN 1999
I have much country stuff to trade (can upload it to magaupload in mp3) such as George Strait,Waylon Jennings,Merle Haggard,John Anderson,George Jones and others..i'm shure I have something interesting for you;-)
Aging boomer into the Dharma, The Dead, Todd Snider, Little Feat, politics, peace, negating the Radical Right, travel, the Net, Firefly\Serenity, helping my community, laughing, photography, art, music (playing, listening, supporting)
Hi my friend,
i'm from Switzerland and very interested in the following trades:
- Merle Haggard live in Orlando 1996
-Emmylou Harris Charlottesville 1991
-Travis Tritt Franklin TN 1999
I have much country stuff to trade (can upload it to magaupload in mp3) such as George Strait,Waylon Jennings,Merle Haggard,John Anderson,George Jones and others..i'm shure I have something interesting for you;-)
Regards Sven
I will seriously consider it. But you'll need to give me an email address so I can contact you…
oh shure,sorry!
It's manuel.hunziker1@gmx.ch
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