Thursday, March 22, 2012
About Me
- Name: Gr8fulTed
- Location: Madras, Oregon, United States
Aging boomer into the Dharma, The Dead, Todd Snider, Little Feat, politics, peace, negating the Radical Right, travel, the Net, Firefly\Serenity, helping my community, laughing, photography, art, music (playing, listening, supporting)
Links to the Weird and Wonderful
- Tricycle Buddhist Review
- US Campaign For Burma
- Alternative News Source
- Scraps Along The Way
- The Sassy Crumudgeon
- ...she's a flight risk
- Notes to a Nameless Daughter
- Access To Insight
- Hollyhock Farm
- yoonanimous
- Tiny URL
- My Whim Is Law
- Jack Bog's Blog
- Daily Kos
- The Rambling Taoist
- Freeway Blogger
- Enlighten Me
- Dharma Vison
- When This Is, That Is
- Tina Harris' Photo Art
- there once was a girl
- Blognetnews Oregon
- Crosscut, News of the Great Nearby
- J-walk Blog
- Gr8fulTed's Trading Site
- Gr8fulTed's Rock Photos Site
Previous Posts
- This is me and my friend Bill Payne. Bill plays ke...
- A meditative portion of the Japanese Garden. Portl...
- In the late 1800s one could order an entire house ...
- Your typical city involved in a typical daydream
- Your da Vinci Code moment. (Click on the photo for...
- Fresh snow in the high Cascades. Somewhere in rura...
- Bronco Billy's, a very acceptable watering hole an...
- The moon a little over a week ago. Taken from Madr...
- A small corner of the Chinese Garden. The Grind wi...
- We end our week looking at the interior of Cathed...
WARNING: This is a trick photo! There WERE other people in the room. No question about it, though ... it was Cold Cold Cold in that hotel. There were so many of us, as a matter of fact, that the Door Nazis wouldn't let any of us back in after we went next door for food and libation; only hard lammies got back in and everyone else had to go to the back of the bus. On a more serious note, it was good to see you again, Ted.
Actually, my friend, if you click on the photos and see the large version, you'll see at least 3 others in the room. Ii htink you were out at the march table at the timeā¦:)
I gotta learn to type!
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