You Grinders may recall last week when we mentioned that we had attended a show by the Band of Heathens out of Austin, Texas. To many of us, Austin seems to be an island of sanity in the sea of the unreal that is Texas. Proof? Try this article. In any case, Austin and Portland actually have this good-natured feud going on as to which city first came up with the Keep X Weird. Austin believes Keep Austin Weird was first, while we Oregonians know it was actually Keep Portland Weird that was first. But for Portland being wonderfully weird there's Voodoo Donuts, The First Church of Elvis, and much more. We're just offering up this guy--who is obviously blowing some hot jams on his bagpipes--as partial proof of Portland's weirdness superiority. My sources tell me this guy was even on some reality TV program, America's Got Talent, we think. Portland, Oregon; July, 2015.
Tuesday, August 04, 2015
About Me
- Name: Gr8fulTed
- Location: Madras, Oregon, United States
Aging boomer into the Dharma, The Dead, Todd Snider, Little Feat, politics, peace, negating the Radical Right, travel, the Net, Firefly\Serenity, helping my community, laughing, photography, art, music (playing, listening, supporting)
Links to the Weird and Wonderful
- Tricycle Buddhist Review
- US Campaign For Burma
- Alternative News Source
- Scraps Along The Way
- The Sassy Crumudgeon
- ...she's a flight risk
- Notes to a Nameless Daughter
- Access To Insight
- Hollyhock Farm
- yoonanimous
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- My Whim Is Law
- Jack Bog's Blog
- Daily Kos
- The Rambling Taoist
- Freeway Blogger
- Enlighten Me
- Dharma Vison
- When This Is, That Is
- Tina Harris' Photo Art
- there once was a girl
- Blognetnews Oregon
- Crosscut, News of the Great Nearby
- J-walk Blog
- Gr8fulTed's Trading Site
- Gr8fulTed's Rock Photos Site
Previous Posts
- Entering one of the pavilions in the Asian sect...
- A look from the top of the Arc de Triumphe alon...
- ...the other young, new band over which we ar...
- Speaking of the Oregon Country Fair, we usuall...
- We also recently attended one of our most favor...
- Longtime Grinders know we make regular forays o...
- As those who check in here from time to time, and ...
- We'd like to wish our American Grinders a Happy...
- We had a really fun night last night as we spen...
- This fixer upper just needs a little work from ...

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