The gr8ful grind: Day 2

Let go of anger; It's an acid that eats away the delicate layers of your happiness

The reverse side has also its reverse side

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Day 2

I am finding it difficult to get any work done today because I am reviewing other blogs and attempting to find like-minded bloggers. Not very successful yet, but I assume I shall be eventually. Patience is a quality with which I am familiar, as is being okay with delayed gratification. It'd be nice to find a Buddhist, Deadhead, aging boomer, libveral blogger, but I suppose it might be a little too much to ask. Then gain, isn't that ageism? I mean, why should once chronological measurement be indicative of the ability to engage in common discussion?

A review of many of the blog postings at this hosting site reveals many, many younger bloggers, with few peers for myself. I guess I always did travel in somewhat uncharted waters for my age group...first to get kicked out of school for having a Beatle hair cut and refusing to chop it off...I eventually could sit on my hair. But a gorgeous hairdress with whom I was living at the time talked me into chopping it off and so I did. Reluctantly. One of the best decisions I've ever made. Much easier to take care of shorter, although ego gets in the way of me shaving it all of as is the fashion of late.

I moderate a cyber sangha email list and am thinking this blogging site stuff might be a better way to go. What do you think?


Blogger deborama said...

Hi Ted. I am also an aged boomer - aged 51 to be exact and although I am not worthy to be called a Deadhead, I know what one is, and my best friend is one of the greatest Deadheads of all time. I found you because you left a comment on my blog tonight. (Night here anyway.) I am an American but I live in the UK, due to marriage. I have a grown daughter who just moved to Oregon and she has a baby daughter. And I have a grown son who lives in Atlanta. Welcome to the blogosphere. There are lots of us over 50s. (Does the name John Perry Barlow ring a bell?)

3:42 PM  

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