Monday, January 31, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
The Wisdom of Ram Dass
Who you think you are will always be frightened of change. But it doesn't make any difference to who you truly are.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Thursday, January 27, 2005
The Wisdom of Chogyam Trungpa
In fact, it is dubious that one can even speak of 'experiencing' reality, since this would imply a separation between the experiencer and the experience.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
The wisdom of J. Robert Oppenheimer
There are children playing in the street who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Friday, January 21, 2005
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
The Wisdom of Will Rogers
In the early days of the Indian Territory, there were no such things as birth certificates. You being there was certificate enough.
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Monday, January 17, 2005

Photo of the Day: I was standing just outside the Tower of London taking a photograph of Tower Bridge (in the background), when these three French girls approached me to ask if I would take a photo of them together with their camera. I agreed with the stipulation I could also take one of them with my own camera. They agreed. July, 1997. (Click on any of the photos on my page to see the full-sized version)
Friday, January 14, 2005
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Monday, January 10, 2005
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Come together, over me
See that little stats counter at the bottom of the right hand column? It gives me a whole brain load of statistics, not just the number of hits to the site. It charts out how many page loads per day, how many unique visitors (which means different from one another), how many first time visitors, how many repeat visitors, etc.
One of the things it tells me is from which IP you've come to get here. Sometimes I can find out people have linked to me on their own blog, while other times I discover they were searching for info about something I mentioned here and were brought to the site by Google.
As I mentioned above, it also tells me how many of you are first timers to the site and how many of you are repeaters. In most cases I am not able to identify you because I'm just not that deep into computer code to be able to decypher IP stuff. But it does tell me where the IP originates, which means I am fairly able to tell from which part of the planet blog readers have arrived and how many times before you've been here.
I checked this morning and not counting people that only have been here once and nevered returned, it appears I have regular readers who live in, or near, Mamaroneck, NY, Plano, TX, Mumbai, India, San Jose, CA, Washington, D.C., Naperville, IL, Toronto, Ontario, Portland, OR, Vancouver, WA, Bend, OR, and someone with a private IP that doesn't give me any hint at all from whence they arrive.
So to all of you regular and semi-regular readers out there, I just want to say I see you and welcome you with an open heart.
Be well.
One of the things it tells me is from which IP you've come to get here. Sometimes I can find out people have linked to me on their own blog, while other times I discover they were searching for info about something I mentioned here and were brought to the site by Google.
As I mentioned above, it also tells me how many of you are first timers to the site and how many of you are repeaters. In most cases I am not able to identify you because I'm just not that deep into computer code to be able to decypher IP stuff. But it does tell me where the IP originates, which means I am fairly able to tell from which part of the planet blog readers have arrived and how many times before you've been here.
I checked this morning and not counting people that only have been here once and nevered returned, it appears I have regular readers who live in, or near, Mamaroneck, NY, Plano, TX, Mumbai, India, San Jose, CA, Washington, D.C., Naperville, IL, Toronto, Ontario, Portland, OR, Vancouver, WA, Bend, OR, and someone with a private IP that doesn't give me any hint at all from whence they arrive.
So to all of you regular and semi-regular readers out there, I just want to say I see you and welcome you with an open heart.
Be well.
Friday, January 07, 2005
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Monday, January 03, 2005
Saturday, January 01, 2005
It's magic!
Apparently, just posting about it returns whatever was lost. I like it!
Or whomever borrowed it for the night returned it.
You are now free to move about the blog....
Or whomever borrowed it for the night returned it.
You are now free to move about the blog....
I just don't get all this electronic stuff. But then, I'm not much of a mechanic, either. Anyway, I visit this here blog last evening and everything is fine. I don't post or anything, just looking at it and then go to bed. I get up the next morning and go back to it, as as you can see, all the stuff I had in the right hand column is just gone. Links, archives, everything. Now why did that happen????
I have no idea. I'd like to get it back, so if anyone out there borrowed it for NYE, just return it and there'll be no hard feelings.
I have no idea. I'd like to get it back, so if anyone out there borrowed it for NYE, just return it and there'll be no hard feelings.